New Membership Scheme

As the Winscombe Community Association has moved to what is called an ‘Incorporated Charity’ we now have a new Constitution. This requires the WCA to have members. Therefore WCA have just launched a new membership scheme which is completely free. Why not join the WCA as a member and be first to hear what is going on especially with the New Building about to start construction.

Just Click the button to go to the WCA the membership page

WiNSpace wins support from the National Lottery

Close on the heels of our Community Ownership Fund Grant of £300,000 we have just heard that we have obtained £200,000 from the National Lottery Community Fund. This is another massive step for the project. We have also been informed that we will be receiving a further £60,000 in grants from providers once the digging starts.
With 89% of funds identified (see below), it’s to going happen very soon, although there’s still lots to do and more funds to find.

Our thanks goes to the National Lottery Community Fund and all those who have played the lottery

WiNSpace receives £300,000 grant from the UK Government Community Ownership Fund

We want to share the great news with you that we have been granted £300,000 from the Government as part of their Community Ownership Fund. They were impressed with our ambition to upgrade the community centre and are supportive of our plans for the new building.

We worked hard on the grant bid and it was a lot of work. However, we couldn’t have done it without the support of the Parish Council and our local MP John Penrose. We still have a few legal hoops to go through, but we are now one step closer to bringing our new building to life.